Lead Facts

Lead Facts


Lead is a poisonous metal that was once commonly used in the manufacture of paint, gasoline, and plumbing. While U.S. law has banned the use of lead in new construction, existing lead-based paint and plumbing in homes may present a significant health hazard, especially for children. Inspectors who are not trained in lead detection should not perform lead inspections. They can, however, learn the basic facts about lead so they can answer questions from concerned clients.

A few interesting facts about lead and lead poisoning:

Symptoms of Lead Poisoning 

Lead poisoning is characterized by an enormous variety of symptoms which are sometimes hard to recognize because they are symptoms of other conditions. Some symptoms include:

Where around the home is lead likely to be found?

Advice for Clients 

Children are more vulnerable than adults to the effects of lead poisoning, which can cause significant delays in cognitive development. The following suggestions apply to adults as well as children, although they are more critical for children. 

Advice for Clients Concerning Lead Paint


Lead paint hazards are created when lead-based paint peels, flakes, chips, chalks, or creates dust. Locations that are especially vulnerable to this sort of damage are places where painted surfaces, such as windows and doors, rub against each other. The following are also true about lead-based paint:

Advice for Clients Concerning Lead Pipes

In summary, lead is a health hazard in homes despite the fact that its use has declined in recent years. It is most common in older homes that have not switched away from lead paint and plumbing.

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